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44 Thoughts to “Testing Scary Minecraft Theory to Prove It’s Fake”

  1. That last myth was CRAZY… but did I miss anything?

  2. 😑😑😑😌😑😑

  3. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😾😾😾😾

  4. Preston always misses stuff

  5. the eyes are null am a partner of Minecraft so im pretty sure its imposable for zombie to have white eyes check the game files you might not see but still I think every one thinks its null right im playing the same world to check and confirm that the eyes is null 100mill percent I know im gonna check

  6. 5:16 DID anybody else see the Painting Appear On his HOUSE?

  7. 11:50 how are emeralds in a cave???
    17:30 again

  8. I don't get it in the second scary thing when you put the block in your house

  9. When You Go In f5 Mode immediately.
    Turn around

  10. The Living Word I just saw that all the sand tower just disappear didn't see that

  11. i saw the red diamonds and its real

  12. there was a diamond on the ground then it turned into the blood diamond and u didnt see at like 20mins

  13. 0:21 voom to 21x and you will see red water

  14. 19:10 well that’s CAP because LOOK BEHIND YOU WHEN UR EDITING


    Edit: 27:57 SHEEEEEEP!!! I LOVE SHEEEP!

  17. did no one see the sus snow golem

  18. Only real Preston fans can like this

  19. At the cleric there’s a trap chest it’s fake lol😂😂😂

  20. every time you turn around you miss somthing

  21. your scary myths aren't even scary, and they are so obviously fake!

  22. There was a blood diamond

  23. Bro you copied bionics thumbnail

  24. Yes you missed the blood Dimonds in the back rowed

  25. 16:52 the village starts to get shoved into the ground 😮

  26. 14:42 the bellybutton is actually an eye and it blinks 😮

  27. 14:07 the sand tower disappeared 😮

  28. The snow in the caldron vanished 29:17

  29. The painting appeared on your house when you were testing the first mirth

  30. Yo u missed d so much stuff peston

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