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Developer Update | Halloween Terror, Map Reworks, Systems Updates & More

Join Game Director, Aaron Keller, and the OW2 dev team to explore map reworks, systems updates, the enchanting Mythic Spellbinder Widowmaker skin, and all the tricks, treats, and talents that have been brewing in the new Halloween Terror game mode–Junkenstein’s Laboratory. Have a ghoulishly good time when Overwatch 2 Season 13: Spellbinder arrives Oct 15. Overwatch 2 is free to play for everyone on console & PC! source

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Where is Concord?


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Overwatch 2 Review In Progress – Same As It Ever Was

Overwatch 2 Review In Progress – Same As It Ever Was There are few moments of calm in Overwatch 2. The action is closer, louder, and faster, and the voice lines are quippier and happen more often. However, in that brief period between selecting your hero and the opening of the barriers, unleashing you and your teammates out onto the battlefield, there is a brief window of peace–a split second for meditation. It was during these moments, as I watched my beloved Hana Song (aka D.Va) shift her weight from…

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Overwatch League Teams Will Give Away Free Copies Of The Game Soon

Overwatch League teams will begin giving away free League Tokens and copies of Overwatch soon. Some new players were able to give Overwatch a test drive recently, as it was available for a free weekend on Xbox Live Gold in August. Though the Overwatch giveaway hasn’t started yet, one team may have started the promotion early. Earlier this week, the Boston Uprising offered free copies of Overwatch to fans for a brief time but stopped when demand became overwhelming. The team didn’t say that it was connected to any larger…

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The newest ‘Overwatch’ hero is… A hamster?

Overwatch’s 28th hero is a hamster. Oh, I’m sorry, does that sound ridiculous? Does it sound like I’m making a joke? I’m not. The newest hero is a hamster in a death ball. SEE ALSO: We almost got a cat-with-a-jetpack hero in ‘Overwatch’ Take a look: Overwatch’s latest upcoming hero was first teased on Monday with a short clip showing the hero rolling through a ratty looking alleyway. People immediately began speculating about what kind of hero this could be, with some thinking it could be a new omnic like…

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Overwatch Trending 

Two years later, I still play ‘Overwatch’ every day — here are 7 reasons why I can’t stop

The best game I’ve played in 2018, and the best game I played last year, are the same as the best game I played way back in 2016. That game, of course, is Blizzard Entertainment’s masterpiece “Overwatch.” As Business Insider’s only reporter wholly focused on video games, I play as many as I can — but I always make time for “Overwatch.” It’s been the one constant in my gaming habit since it arrived back in May 2016. Here are just a few of the reasons why, after literally hundreds…

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