
Minecraft Dungeons – The Latest Details On The Upcoming Minecraft RPG

Long before Minecraft Dungeons was revealed, Mojang has been content to rest on its humble laurels as the developer of a pop culture phenomenon. To date, Minecraft has sold over 175 million copies, is available on every platform imaginable, and boasts a veritable merchandise empire. Not since Pokemon has a video game IP so thoroughly permeated mainstream consciousness. It wouldn’t be until 2017 and the skyrocketing Fortnite player count that this feat would be matched. What’s more remarkable is that, for the last decade, Mojang has risen to the heights…

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Fortnite, FIFA 20 y Minecraft, los videojuegos con más menciones en redes sociales

El estudio Hotwire Brand Monitor: Gaming Edition realiza una radiografía sobre la comunidad gamer en España a través del análisis de sus conversaciones en el entorno digital. La entrada Fortnite, FIFA 20 y Minecraft, los videojuegos con más menciones en redes sociales se publicó primero en Marketing Directo. Read more:

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