
Are These the Best Console Ports You Can Find on Android?

It’s the wild west of ports out there, and you never know what games may make their way to Android. We’re rounding up the best console games with ports you can pick up in the Google Play Store. Nowadays, there are so many options, but we’ve compiled a list that includes the best of the best across all genres. Platformers? We got ’em. RPGs? Are you kidding me? Of course, we’ve got those. No matter what kind of mood you’re in, you’re bound to find something here that will wow…

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Big Pharma Available Now on Xbox One

SummaryTake on the role of a Pharmaceutical Conglomerate owner developing drugs that may help fight diseases around the worldFace not only the challenges of the market and economy, but also your own conscienceAs a CEO you might be concerned more about your income than saving the world We’re putting Big Pharma in your hands. An economical simulator in which you’ll have to face not only the challenges of the market and economy, but also your conscience! Big Pharma is a unique project for several reasons. First of all, we’re so, so…

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10 Tips for a Successful Attic Renovation

Renovating your home offers many benefits. It’s a great way to add value to your home while also making your living space feel new and exciting. There are a million different renovation options, from kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms, each with unique benefits. But don’t forget about your attic. Why should you consider an attic renovation? Great question. This article takes a look at some of the reasons to invest in DIY attic conversions. Keep reading to see some ideas that can help transform your attic from wasted space to a part…

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How 10 Brands Use Reddit for Marketing

Did you know that the most downvoted comment on Reddit was from a brand? And surprisingly, that comment came from the major video game company EA. Why is this so shocking? If you’ve ever surfed Reddit, a platform that encourages users to start discussion threads, you’ll find that a large chunk of its user base is very interested in gaming. When EA replied to a comment in a thread discussing a game they created, users quickly pressed the down arrow symbol to downvote it. This moved the comment lower and…

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How to Use Instagram Carousel Posts: 10 Tips

When opening Instagram, how often do you “swipe left to see more?” Maybe it’s to see that a blog post from your favorite media site was uploaded. Or to watch the entire trailer for the latest season of “Stranger Things” (guilty). Whether you double-tapped on a “Throwback Thursday” post or commented on how helpful that newsletter on managing spreadsheets was, these engagements are an excellent use of Instagram’s Carousel feature, an expansive tool that fits into countless marketing campaigns. Instagram Carousel Ads Instagram’s Carousels allow an account to use multiple…

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Silk of the Spider, Thread of the Future

Spider silk is nothing short of an engineering marvel. Weight for weight, it’s stronger than steel and tougher than Kevlar. But spiders are disagreeable creatures. Unlike the silkworms, they’ve proven unwilling to bow to humanity’s domestication, but that hasn’t stopped scientists from stealing the secrets. In this episode of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, enter a world of spider silk medicine, nanomaterials, optics, music and of course transgenic goats. Learn more about your ad-choices at

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Planting for a Fall Harvest: Fall Vegetables

Plant a fall vegetable garden—and extend your harvest. In late summer, you might think the garden is winding down, but this is the perfect (and easy) time to bring in those wonderful cool-weather vegetables.  I love fall gardening—less pests, less watering and weeding, and more pleasant weather conditions.  In warmer regions, many crops grow just as well in the fall as the spring, especially spinach, Swiss chard, broccoli, and kale. In colder climates, many of these same vegetables are frost-tolerant. Many crops taste better after a frost or two. As soon as your spring…

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5 Social Media Tips For Professionals

As a professional marketer, you probably understand the basics of social media marketing and how it functions. But this doesn’t mean you’re not going to run into obstacles. You may be using high-quality images, engaging with your audience, and staying up-to-date on the latest social media trends, but maybe you’re not achieving the online success you hoped with some of your campaigns. Though you’ve crossed out the obvious errors, something still isn’t working. Well, it’s time to take a closer look. Here are five tips to improve your social media…

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The 34 hottest video games you shouldn’t miss in 2018

Rockstar Games   Between “Super Mario Odyssey,” “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds,” “Horizon Zero Dawn,” and “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,” 2017’s game lineup was hard to top. But 2018 has some massive games of its own. From major new Nintendo games to highly-anticipated sequels, 2018 is full of promising new games. As such, we’ve put together a thorough list of games that should officially be on your radar this year. Perhaps we forgot your favorite game? Let us know! This list will be updated over time, and your contribution…

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