
How 10 Brands Use Reddit for Marketing

Did you know that the most downvoted comment on Reddit was from a brand? And surprisingly, that comment came from the major video game company EA. Why is this so shocking? If you’ve ever surfed Reddit, a platform that encourages users to start discussion threads, you’ll find that a large chunk of its user base is very interested in gaming. When EA replied to a comment in a thread discussing a game they created, users quickly pressed the down arrow symbol to downvote it. This moved the comment lower and…

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Content Moderation At Scale Especially Doesn’t Work When You Hide All The Rules

For quite a while now, we’ve pointed out that doing any serious content moderation on major internet sites is laughably difficult, if not impossible. Whether done in a purely automated format, or with real human oversight, everything ends up boiling down to just how much collateral damage are we all willing to accept when sites attempt to enforce moderation rules. Even when sites attempt to communicate the rules to the public in a somewhat transparent fashion, such as Facebook, it all inevitably goes to the kind of hell that includes…

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5 Social Media Tips For Professionals

As a professional marketer, you probably understand the basics of social media marketing and how it functions. But this doesn’t mean you’re not going to run into obstacles. You may be using high-quality images, engaging with your audience, and staying up-to-date on the latest social media trends, but maybe you’re not achieving the online success you hoped with some of your campaigns. Though you’ve crossed out the obvious errors, something still isn’t working. Well, it’s time to take a closer look. Here are five tips to improve your social media…

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