Here’s What Would Happen If Superheroes Had Babies (14 Illustrations)

People say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and we have to agree. But could it possibly fall any closer than this? The father’s genes most definitely won the womb wars in this artist’s imagination when he decided to illustrate the world’s most beloved comic book characters becoming dads. Brazil-based artist Lucas Eduardo Nascimento, also known as Dragonarte to his 110k fans on Facebook and over 80k Instagram followers, drew a series of badass, yet adorable babies of superheroes and their first meetings with their fathers in the…

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Stan Lee’s Speech About Racism In 1968 Is More Important Today Than It Ever Was

News broke that Stan Lee has died at the age of 95 and fans over the world are not only mourning, but honoring the legend with countless tributes. Stan Lee penned for many comic books throughout his career, including such stories as the iconic Daredevil, The Amazing Spiderman, Hulk, Fantastic Four, etc. But Lee wasn’t known just for being a comic book writer and creator of many of our beloved heroes, he was also a huge inspiration to many people around the globe who found comfort and solace in his creations.…

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Russian Artist Illustrates What Would Happen If Famous Characters Got Old, And Thor Is Too Cute

Although the years go fast for every one of us, it’s not very common to see this natural process of aging in cartoons or comics. Have you ever wondered what would happen if our beloved characters and superheroes just grew old and retired, like any other mortal person in the world? Lesya Guseva is a Perm-based Russian artist who just made it easier for us to imagine this scenario. This artist created a series of illustrations called “Pensioners” where she portrayed some of our favorite Marvel, DC and even Disney…

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