Gears of Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

Warhammer Space Marine 2

Bestseller #1
  • Games Workshop – Warhammer 40,000 – Kill Team: Hivestorm (2024 – 3rd Edition)
  • Jump into the new edition of Kill Team with this loaded boxed set
  • Includes 11 plastic Tempestus Aquilons and 11 plastic Vespid Stingwings miniatures
Bestseller #2
  • Games Workshop – Warhammer 40,000: Ultimate Starter Set
  • The ideal way to begin your journey into the Warhammer 40,000 hobby
  • Includes full rules for the game, plus dice, gaming boards, reference sheets, and range rulers



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20 Thoughts to “Gears of Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2”

  1. that was a lot of rats

  2. You bring honor to the gully man

  3. I can't believe he pronounced rowboat gorillamans name wrong 😡

  4. Nah man, you can't fool us into thinking you have no idea about Warhammer and then put the Dawn of War OST in the outro. Busted

  5. Chairon: Apply directly to the chair.

  6. Guess you could say it was a real…vermintide.

  7. on gawd this game looks AMAZING

  8. too bad Dunkey stopped playing right before you get the Warhammer!!

  9. "We got to find the Warhammer"

  10. Can’t wait til 2055

  11. 4:33 My thoughts exactly.

  12. Why did he pop an image of the Dominar Rygel?

  13. Robot Girlyman would be proud.

  14. No more war games. Aren't there any other.

  15. 1 like of this comment for 1 rat

  16. Damn, too bad there were rats. I wanted to see him play more but he was forced to turn the game off

  17. Dunkey chill, you're spoiling us with your regular uploads!

  18. im on shrroms right now for the first time right now while mixed with blunts and them rats at the end gave me 3 asth ma aatacks lmfao

  19. I'm eating bread out of the pizza box and Dunkey ate my shoes too

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