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  1. Thompson Anna Miller Ronald Williams John

  2. Cory pls come back😭

  3. everybody yapping about fat jokes and caseoh understading how girls feel like and shi but nobody talking that he using baits on fly rods and fishing carps on FLY RODS

  4. Anyone know the name of the song at 1:12:00?

  5. Kinda wack that you were constantly a dick to mike lol. The worst thing he did was be a bit awkward, maybe he isn't the best with trying g to court the girl he likes haha. More so though just got old you beating the whole Mike's weird thing to death.. 😅

  6. Naaaaaaaaaaaa I’m not getting past the butter thing.. its FUCKIN BUTTER having it in the freezer is crazy even having it in the fridge is crazy ITS BUTTER shit lasts literally as long as you need it to if you add butter while cooking

  7. Mike is such a loser

  8. The beef with mike is insane

  9. Mike the type of dude to ask his girlfriend to drive because it’s raining outside

  10. 43:11 when case slammed the table the car started shaking 😂

  11. case doesnt play fears to fathom he plays fears his weight cant be fathomed

  12. Bro the worst part is that there's prolly still chicks that are in to Mike since there's like a whole genre of women who like serial killers 😂

  13. Caseohs has great voice acting.

  14. 45:13 ain't no way caseoh knows about that meme bro💀

  15. Nora sold us so bad we're cooked

  16. 7:41 You're doing real good, Steve. (Proceeds to sip his coffee), You're doing real good Steve, keep up the good work. (Proceeds to sip his coffee a bit more.)

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