
Content Moderation At Scale Especially Doesn’t Work When You Hide All The Rules

For quite a while now, we’ve pointed out that doing any serious content moderation on major internet sites is laughably difficult, if not impossible. Whether done in a purely automated format, or with real human oversight, everything ends up boiling down to just how much collateral damage are we all willing to accept when sites attempt to enforce moderation rules. Even when sites attempt to communicate the rules to the public in a somewhat transparent fashion, such as Facebook, it all inevitably goes to the kind of hell that includes…

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Superstar Streamer Ninja Leaves Twitch For Microsoft’s Mixer

If you know about any online video game streamers, it’s probably Ninja. With his colorful hair and skill in games like Halo and Fortnite, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is one of the most successful people who films themselves playing video games for a living. And he’s found much of that success on, the most popular place for streaming video games. But other companies are trying take Twitch down, most notably Microsoft. Over the past few years the technology giant has been building up Mixer, its own streaming platform that has…

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