
Borderlands Movie Synopsis Revealed, Deukalian Atlas Officially Cast

The Borderlands movie was first announced back in 2015. Now that Eli Roth is set to direct it and a bevy of Hollywood stars like Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart make up an ever-growing cast, the film’s box office outlook is looking more and more promising. Édgar Ramirez (American Crime Story, Carlos) is the latest actor to join the film. He will play Deukalian Atlas, the mind behind the renowned Atlas Corporation that develops some of the most well-balanced guns in the franchise.  In the…

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1917 (2019)

When thinking about popular subject matter in cinema, it’s fair to say that the two World Wars of the twentieth century have provided some some of the richest and most celebrated picture since the beginning of the medium. From a personal point of view, it always amazes me how generation upon generation seems to be able to take the same subjects and point a new spin on them that makes the genre feel completely refreshed each time. I got the sense that a new dawn was breaking with 2017’s Dunkirk, and…

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