
Hype around the metaverse drove NFT tokens up 42% in November

Sand, the cryptocurrency of The Sandbox metaverse, rose 330% in November. The Sandbox NFT-linked cryptocurrencies stormed ahead in November, as investor interest in the metaverse surged. A basket of NFT cryptos rose 42% in November, making it the best performing part of the market. Sand, the native token of The Sandbox, shot up 330% in November, according to Kraken data seen by Insider. NFT-linked cryptocurrencies were by far the best performing group of digital assets in November, according to new data from the Kraken exchange, rising 42% as interest in…

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The Lay of the Cryptoland – Part II: NFTs, P2E Games, and DeFi

:::info This is the second part of The Lay of the Cryptoland. You can find the first part here: The Lay of the Cryptoland – Part I: Coins, Wallets, and Exchanges ::: \n While the last few years have seen scorching growth in cryptocurrency adoption, most of the mainstream attention and participation has been around speculative trading with different crypto tokens. This is illustrated by the Google Search trend comparison shared below. \ These are still early days. Probably, the crypto phenomenon that comes close to the interest in bitcoin…

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