
Every new PC game from the Future Games Show 2020

It is all go on the [cms-block] bandwagon this evening, as the Future Games Show has just wrapped up its notE3 show for 2020 – making it the third big games showcase of the evening after Day One of the Guerrilla Collective and the PC Gaming Show. Unlike the other two shows tonight, the bulk of the Future Games Show was focused on new content for existing games, such as a new map for MMO Last Oasis and expanded versions of trailers we’ve seen earlier in the evening. As a…

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Borderlands 3 release time – when does Borderlands 3 come out?

Like these two fellows in the image above, or rather a man and his apparition, you’re probably sitting back with a cold brew wondering when you’ll be able to play Borderlands 3. Not only that, but you’ll be wanting to know if you can even run the game or if you need to make a few modifications to your gaming rig. Fear not, weary traveller, we managed to capture Claptrap and somehow managed to get the information out of him. (more…) Read more:

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What Makes a Gaming Phone Different from Other Phones?

Razer A few notable “gaming phones” have hit the mobile market over the last year. But any phone can play games, right? So, what’s the deal? We’re seeing an interesting shift here. Smartphones became a popular platform for games because, well, it’s easy to play games on them. In the ’80s and most of the ’90s, PCs were only thought of as “game machines” in an ancillary, secondary way, when compared to the more singularly focused game consoles. PC gamers became so enthusiastic that specialized parts—and, eventually, entire machines—were dedicated…

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