Silent Hill Could Be Returning For PlayStation 5

Silent Hill Could Be Returning For PlayStation 5Konami

With the PlayStation 5 on the horizon, it looks like Silent Hill could finally make its comeback. 

Konami’s iconic horror franchise has remained dormant ever since the cancellation of Silent Hills, Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro’s ill-fated collaboration that hooked players with its P.T. on PlayStation Store in 2014.

However, rumours have been circling the series for years, with fans ruthlessly theorising over the slightest kernel of a hint. Now, as Sony prepares to launch the PS5, anticipation of an announcement is soaring.

Silent Hills P.T.Konami

Posting to his Twitter, notable gaming leaker Duke Golem claims there’s a PS5 event due in the first half of September. He also wrote: ‘RE8 will most likely be great, RE4 is in a bit of a worrying position right now, Silent Hill is still in dev, something Shenmue related will be revealed in 1-2 weeks.’

In other news, RE8 will most likely be great, RE4 is in a bit of a worrying position right now, Silent Hill is still in dev, something Shenmue related will be revealed in 1-2 weeks, a PS5 event first half of September, Monster Hunter Switch is being revealed soon, have a good day

— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) August 28, 2020

As for further details about a new Silent Hill, he added, ‘From what I’ve heard pretty deliberately, both from the thing I first heard about the game and the later thing, the new game is made to be a soft reboot and welcoming to be people’s first game into the series, so I doubt it’d feature a returning protagonist.’

This isn’t the only recent leak to emerge regarding Silent Hill. Over on ResetEra, as reported by PSU, a host of information was listed ‘in agreement with KatharsisT’ via member geronimo73.


The post alleged that Konami has been ‘working on a Silent Hill game reboot (like God of War) for around two years’, and Sony will publish and release it as a PS5 exclusive, with a release date of 2021 or 2022.

The last game to be released was Silent Hill: Book of Memories, released on the PS Vita back in 2012. Including 2007’s Silent Hill: The Arcade, there have been 15 games in the series – however, the best games are generally regarded to be the earlier entries. Above all, Silent Hill 2 is the superlative chapter – a terrifying, hauntingly subtle trip into one man’s personal hell.

Only time will tell whether we’re returning to the fog.

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